Artificial Intelligence-powered Recruitment Processes
Nombre del Contacto: Hester Borm
Cargo del Contacto: Founder & Head of Product Development
Región: América Latina y el Caribe
País: Chile
Lengua: English, Spanish
¿En qué consiste la solución?
«AIRA ( is Dutch-Chilean company devoted to innovation, Artificial Intelligence and Human Resources, which has developed many solutions that help foster Gender Equality in the Workforce. One of our solutions, AIRA Recruiter, is a recruitment platform through which companies run 100% automatic recruitment and selection processes.
Besides helping companies save time, improve jobseeker satisfaction and generate metrics that help companies improve their overall recruitment proceses, we are also very committed to Labour Inclusion. For this reason, we collect data from all candidates (gender, age, disabilities, etc.), and subsequently provide feedback to companies to show them how well they perform in terms of Labour Inclusion.
For instance, if for a job offer 100 people apply (50 men and 50 women), yet in every process only men get shortlisted in the final round, our platform will immediately inform companies of potential gender biases and our team of consultants will help companies improve their recruitment practises.
Cambios generados por la solución
«We help many different types of companies become much more aware of potential inclusion biases. Additionally companies can also use our platform to positively discriminate in favour of certain gender, age groups, etc.
For instance, one of our clients (Mining) recently recently launched a vacancy on our platform, which attracted over 4.000 applicants in 3 days. Well aware of the lack of females in the mining industry, they used AIRA to positively discriminate in favour of females, and ultimately succeeded in recruiting 6 new female employees.»