Mr. Lenni Montiel (Venezuela) was appointed Deputy Assistant Administrator and Deputy Regional Director of the Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean (RBLAC), on 1st July 2017.
Prior to this appointment, Mr. Montiel served as Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development in the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2015-2017). Previously, Mr. Montiel was Director of Economic, Social and Development Affairs in the Executive Office of the Secretary-General (2012-2014); United Nations Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Turkmenistan (2009-2011); Democratic Governance Group Director a.i. and Senior Policy Adviser on Local Governance and Decentralization in UNDP’s Bureau for Development Policy (2006-2009). Prior to this, he worked as a Senior Technical Advisor with UNDP in Vietnam and in Ukraine (2000-2006).
Mr. Montiel has held strategic positions within the Government of Venezuela and in several international organizations, systematically involved in policy making and analytical work on issues related to economic and social development.
Mr. Montiel was also Technical Assistant to the Director for Venezuela and Panama at the Executive Board of Directors of the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington, DC in the USA.
In Venezuela Mr. Montiel worked as Director of Social Policy in the Ministry of Planning; Director of Planning in the Ministry of Family and Social Affairs. He was also member of the team that established the Social Investment Fund of Venezuela, and as such led the negotiation of the first ever loans for Venezuelan social sectors by the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank.
Mr. Montiel was trained as an Economist and received a Master of Sciences in Economics from the Belorussian Institute of National Economic Planning (former USSR), a Master of Arts on Legislative Affairs from the University of Hull (UK) and a PhD in Public Policy from the University of Birmingham (UK).
Mr. Montiel has been a member of the academic staff at the Erasmus University, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studiesin Rotterdam, The Netherlands; and also at the Central University of Venezuela, School of Political and Administrative Sciences.
Mr. Montiel speaks Spanish, English and Russian.