- Macarena Navarrete
- Magdalena Valdivieso
- Manfred Haebig
- Marcela Jaramillo Vásquez
- Marcela Ríos
- Marcelo Vasquez
- María Celeste Álvarez
- María Elena Sanz Ibarra
- María Eugenia Bersezio
- María Inés Hurtado
- María Inés Salamanca
- María Nieves Rico
- Maribel Vidal
- Martha Maria Peralta
- Michelle Christensen
- Miguel Lorente Acosta
- Mindy Ran
- Mónica Flores Barragán
- Montserrat Mir Roca
- Mthunzi Mdwaba
Ada Cuesta Echarte Development Director in Assurance and Services Company National Coordinator of Gender Equality Model with quality for food security.(IGECSA) Agricultural Ministry, Cuba
Alejandra Mora Mora Minister on the Status of Women of Costa Rica and Executive President of the National Institute of Women (INAMU)
Alexandra Haas Paciuc President, National Council for the Prevention of Discrimination (Conapred), México
Aline Flores Vicepresident of Flores Corporation and former President of the National Private Business Council of Honduras (COHEP)
Ana Costa General Counsel – Legal & Government Affairs Vice President of Avon Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile
Ana Sofía Hernández Laya Senior Manager of Communications Pacific Cluster(Colombia, Chile & Perú) Procter & Gamble
Andrés Yuren Senior Employers` Activities Specialist ILO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
Ángela Rifo Castillo 3rd Vice-presidency of International Relations, National Asociation of Fiscal Employees (ANEF) of Chile
Anthony Tenicela Business Development Executive and Global Leader, Workforce Diversity and LGBT Markets, IBM
Cesar Augusto Bernal Rey Board Member, Trade Union of Cargo Transport and Allied Branches (SUTCRA), Uruguay
Courtney McCarthy Head in Google's Women's and Kids Media Strategy on the Computer Science Education team
Eugenia Piza-López Team Leader Gender Cluster, Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean, UNDP
Florencia Yanuzzio Executive Director, AVON Foundation Argentina Corporate Communications Manager at AVON
Irene Natividad President, Global Summit of Women and Chair, Corporate Women Directors International
Keketso Maema Chief Executive Officer at Commission for Gender Equality Commission for Gender Equality, South Africa
Laura Albornoz Pollman Director of Codelco, doctor in Law and academic from the University of Chile.
Lenni Montiel Deputy Assistant Administrator and Deputy Regional Director of the Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean, UNDP
Leyla Acaroglu UNEP Champion of the Earth, Designer, Sociologist, Sustainability Provocateur, TED Speaker, PhD, Experimental Educator, founder @unschools and @disruptdesignNY
Linda Scott Emeritus DP World Professor for Entrepreneurship and Innovation for the University of Oxford, Senior Consulting Fellow for Chatham House at the Royal Institute for International Affairs, Senior Advisor for the Global Business Coalition for Women’s Economic Empowerment and Founder of DoubleXEconomy, LLC
Lindsey Reichlin Cruse Senior Research Associate, Institute for Women´s Policy Research (IWPR) and International Finance Corporation (IFC), USA
María Celeste Álvarez Representative, Construction Trade Union of the Republic of Argentina (UOCRA), United Nations Joint Programme on Masculinities and Trade Unions, Argentina
María Eugenia Bersezio Programmes Department Coordinator, National Service for Women and Gender Equity (SERNAMEG), Republic of Chile
Maribel Vidal Vicepresident and Director of Strategic Planning, McCann Worldgroup Chile; President of the Woman Leadership Council McCann Worldgroup Latin America
Michelle Christensen Sociologist and Designer. Member of the Board of International Research in Design (BIRD)
Miguel Lorente Acosta Director, Gender Equality and Work-Life Balance Secretariat, University of Granada, Spain
Montserrat Mir Roca Confederal Secretary, European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and Representative International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
Mthunzi Mdwaba Ex Officio Member and Commissioner at the Global Commission on the Future of Work, IOE Vice President and Global Spokesman for Employers at the ILO, South Africa
Patricia Cossani Deputy National Secretary, Care System, Ministry of Social Development, Oriental Republic of Uruguay
Rakesh Patry Director General International and Intergovernmental Labour Affairs Employment and Social Development Canada
Rósa Guðrún Erlingsdóttir Senior Advisor, Head of Equality Unit, Ministry of Welfare, Republic of Iceland
Silvia Rucks Representative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Resident Coordinator of the United Nations System in Chile
Steven Adler Former IBM Chief Data Strategist, Chief Data Officer City of Medellin and pioneer for Africa Open Data Movement
Yolima Elizabeth López Forero Head of Unit, Gender Equity Group, Ministry of Labour, Republic of Colombia
Yuly Fuentes-Medel Descience Executive Director and Board Member, FIT/Infor Design and Technology Lab at the Fashion Institute of Technology, USA