Tony Tenicela currently advises C-Suite executives on talent transformation in the age of disruptive technologies with expertise in diversity and inclusion, talent management, leadership, and social collaboration. In honor of his accomplishments, Tony was recently awarded the Diversity Leadership Award by India’s World HRD Congress, named one of the the world’s Top 50 LGBT Executives by the Telegraph in the United Kingdom, and listed as one of the Top 10 Diversity Champions on the 2017 Global Diversity List. Tony has also served as a keynote speaker at notable venues, such as the White House and United Nations.
Prior to joining IBM, Tony was a founding employee of Worldview Systems, where he led the creation and development of the initial prototype for the Travelocity™ on-line travel service. Tony holds an MBA in Business Strategy from the Anderson School at UCLA, a MA equivalent in Personality/Organizational Psychology from the University of California at Berkeley, and a BA in Psychology from the University of Pittsburgh.