Oravides S. Almagro Peñalver is Specialist in “Agricultural Enginery Research Institute” (IAgric by its initials in Spanish). She belongs to Agricultural Ministry of Cuba and is the principal actor in Gender matters at an institutional level.
Since 2007, she has achieved a wide knowledge in gender topics through diverse ways.
- 2016 International Consulting: Gender & Climate Change in Agricultural and Livestock Sector in Cuba.
- 2015 Energy and Gender Workshop- OLADE La Habana
- 2014 II Companies for Equality Regional Forum- Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.
- 2011 Design, monitoring and evaluation of Gender perspective Projects- Workshop-Course (CEM-FMC).
- 2010 Gender, Theory and methodology Course- Psychology Faculty of UH
- 2009 Tools for Leadership Course I: Teamwork and Communication- Organization Management with Gender Perspective Program (PROGEO by its initials in Spanish) – Latin American and Caribbean Web Women Organizations.
She also has participated in different Cuban and international events about the following topics:
International colloquium women and environment in Latin-American and Caribbean Cultures – Casas de las Américas, 2010.
VIII International workshop “Women in XXI Century”- Women cathedra- Universidad de La Habana, 2011.
Workshop- Women Leaders: Innovation in Enterprise Management, IBERGECYT – Gecyt, La Habana. 2012.
Gender Referent in UNDP Projects Meeting. Mincex 2014
Workshop- Gender Management, Knowledge and Innovation- IBERGECYT 2014
Course- Enterprise Management with Gender Perspective – GECYT 2014
II workshop Referent Gender Exchange (COSUDE), 2015
X International Workshop “Women in XXI Century” Universidad de La Habana-COSUDE, March 2017.
Mrs. Almagro has coordinated gender actions in International Projects: United Nations Joint Programmes Anemia and Decentralization; Environmental for local Food Sustainability (Basal) and Program Association OP 15.
Since 2013 she led institutionally the implementation of Initiative “Equality in Management with quality for food assurance”.