Rósa Guðrún Erlingsdóttir, Ministry of Welfare, department of social affairs, Iceland. Rósa works as a Special Advisor within the policy field of Gender Equality at the Ministry of Welfare and a project manager of the Action Group of Equal Pay. In 2014 Rósa worked as the project manager of the Icelandic Presidency in the Nordic Council of Ministers and has experience in public administration, Nordic and international cooperation, research and teaching at university level within the field of gender equality. Rósa was the Chair of the UNIFEM National Committee in Iceland from 2003 to 2006 and led a successful restructuring and enlargement of its operation. From 2013-2015 she was the Chairman of the Icelandic Gender Equality Research Fund located at the Prime Minister‘s Office. She holds an M.A in Political Science from the Free University, Berlin.