Keketso is the CEO of the Commission for Gender Equality (CGE) and has a flair for human rights law. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Development Studies from the University of Lesotho (NUL), LLB and LLM, as well as Public and Development Sector M&E from University of Witwatersrand.
Keketsobegan her career in the research field, working for organisations such as UNICEF in Lesotho and Lesotho Highlands. Prior to her attainment of legal qualifications, she developed a career within the legal fraternity, specialising in human rights law. She began to rise as a star when she worked as an Associate Attorney at Nicholls, Cambanis and Associates, where she also served her articles. At the pinnacle of her legal career, Keketso became a member of legal teams that litigated at both the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court of Appeal.
As a member of the legal team at the Constitutional Court, Keketsolitigated the following cases: Tinyiko Nwamitwa Shilubane et al. v Sidwel Nwamitwa (2008), Zandile Mpanza v Sibusiso Cele et al. (2008), Lesbian & Gay Equality Project v Minister of Home Affairs (2005), to name but a few. She was appointed Deputy Director (Legal Research) at the CGE in 2006 and in her past incumbency at the CGE; she acted as Director of Legal Services between 2006 and 2009. Having proven her bona fides and agility to the leadership of the CGE in a short space of time, Keketsowas appointed as acting CEO of the CGE in June 2009, formally confirmed in August 2010. Her appointment at that time largely hinged on turning around the CGE into a functional institution after a tumultuous period.
Keketsohas since managed to transform the CGE into an institution that is adequately equipped to deal with matters of national and international priority within the sphere of Gender Rights. From the time Keketso took over the reigns as Accounting Officer of the institution, she managed to drive a critical process of re-positioning the organisation’s overall strategy and ushered in a renewed operational focus which has been welcomed by the reporting structures of the CGE, namely the Plenary (Board) Session of CGE’s Commissioners, as well as the Parliament Portfolio Committee on Women.